
Over 50

Disability Benefits for Individuals Over Age 50

Disabilities can permanently derail the career plans of those nearing retirement. A long-term disability might mean you will never work again. Financially, your future may be full of uncertainty.

The good news is that disability benefits are available for those suffering from chronic disabilities, regardless of age. Your stage of life can even be a leg up in pursuing benefits. Age is one of the considerations the Social Security Administration will look at in deciding whether to grant benefits. Applicants who are over age 50 often have stronger cases because they have fewer opportunities to develop new skills or work in other fields.

Much depends on your individual background, work history, skill set, education and impairments. Your first step should be to speak with a qualified advocate to determine whether you are eligible.

Our Goal: To Make Your Life Easier

At Berkley Disability, we routinely help adults aged 50 and older pursue disability benefits. Our government-approved disability advocate has extensive experience handling Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability (SSD) claims. We focus on this field because we care about making a difference.

The claims process can be challenging and stressful for those who don’t devote their careers to it. Because we have helped countless people successfully obtain benefits, we know how to avoid pitfalls and build a strong claim from the outset. You can reach out to us for help at any stage in the process. We understand how difficult it is to live with a disability, and our goal is to make your life easier in whatever way we can.

Get Free Tips on Successful Strategies – No Obligation Consultation

To learn more about effective strategies for obtaining disability benefits for individuals over age 50, click here or call (657) 217-3621 to contact Berkeley Disability. Our team helps people throughout Orange County and beyond.